Parade of Flags

The Kiwanis Club of Elyria will install in your yard, remove, and properly store an American flag for the following holidays: Memorial Day, Flag Day (June 14), Independence Day (July 4), Patriot Day (Sept 11), Veterans Day (Nov 11)

If you’d like to pay by mail. Please click here for the mail-in form.

Parade of Flags Registration

Step 1 of 3

The Kiwanis Club of Elyria will install in your yard, remove, and properly store an American flag for the following holidays: Memorial Day Flag Day (June 14) Independence Day (July 4) Patriot Day (Sept. 11) Veterans Day (November 11)

2 Comments on “Parade of Flags

  1. Mark, PNC will be sending you a check for this. I don t use PayPal

  2. We have been members of the Parade of Flags for a couple of years now. Its great to wake up in the morning of special holidays and see a bright Red, White and Blue Flag in our front yard. Thank you

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